Lease Highlights
* Unless otherwise agreed in writing, rent is due the 1st of each month. If not received by 5pm of 5th day of the month, a late fee will be applied to your account
* Either landlord or tenant may terminate the tenancy at the expiration of the lease term by giving written notice at least 30 days prior to the expiration date
* There is no smoking anywhere on the property
* No parking on grass or in undesignated areas
* Resolve Property Management has 60 days to provide a security deposit accounting statement to previous tenants after they move out. An initial statement will be sent to previous tenants within 30 days of moving out.
* Tenants are responsible for replacing smoke and CO2 Detectors, air filters and lightbulbs as necessary
* Alterations to the house or property must be approved by Resolve Property Management.
* We must be notified of any new pets or Emotional Service Animals coming into the unit before they enter, otherwise there is a $500 fine
* We must be notified of any new occupants (Staying 2 weeks or longer) to the home before they enter, otherwise there is a $250 fine
Last Revised on 5/1/2023